The LOVE interview with Victoria Durrer-Gasse

LOVE means many things to many people, what does love mean to you? 

Love – it’s important to learn to love yourself and learn to forgive yourself for past mistakes. Being present in the now. Being kind and compassionate – reading in between the lines and understanding the layers we all have.

You have been with your husband François for 37 years, what would be your secret to keeping love in a long term relationship? 

Same sense of humour is essential and to share the same morals. Recognition when the other needs space. Supporting and encouraging each other when needed. To be able to truly listen and to also be heard!

The Love Interview With Victoria Durrer Gasse

Your home is a treasure trove of belongings collected from all over the world –  if you could select 3 things you love the most what would they be? 

A small stone angel my grandmother gave me dating around the 15th century, my Zi bead we bought 36 years ago in Bhutan and a wooden statue we have in our bedroom of a couple from the Dogon tribe Mali.

La Galeria Elefante is brimming with absolutely beautiful items. Which do you love the most and why? 

I love so many things in there – all of which I would have in my house – if I had room! I think the pieces I favour the most at the moment are the vintage Rajasthani textile cushions mixed with fabulous trims and ribbons.

What do you love most about Ibiza? 

Pretty old fincas, (nothing over renovated or looking too Miami!) the beautiful blue skies and the clear light (especially in the winter), the colour of the sea and the wonderful variety of people you meet here!

If you were to gift one item from the store for Valentine’s Day, what would it be? 

I think the best gift is the lavender hand made silk velvet multi coloured nap cushion with eye mask, perfect for traveling and perfect for both boys and girls!